PHOTO: Chronicle Books; Cherry Galettes from Tartine Book No. 3 by Chad Robertson.
Whole grains bring distinct flavours, textures and nutrition to baked goods. Baker and author Chad Robertson, co-owner of Tartine Bakery in San Francisco, first inspired home bakers with Tartine (Chronicle Books, 2006), which he co-wrote with Elisabeth Prueitt – his business partner and wife – and then Tartine Bread (Chronicle Books, 2010). In Tartine Book No. 3 (Chronicle Books, 2013), Robertson shares discoveries made during a two-year period devoted to baking with whole grains.
Calgary Herald: September 13, 2014; page F23
The Windsor Star: September 10, 2014; page C4
The Province (Vancouver): September 8, 2014; page B4
Calgary Herald: September 13, 2014; page F23
The Windsor Star: September 10, 2014; page C4
The Province (Vancouver): September 8, 2014; page B4