PHOTO: Laura Brehaut; Author and Certified Master Cicerone Mirella Amato is pictured at C’est What in Toronto
Laura Brehaut/Postmedia News
Originally published on May 23, 2014; canada.com
Originally published on May 23, 2014; canada.com
Mirella Amato isn’t about to tell you which beers you should be drinking. In fact, as Amato writes in her first book Beerology (Appetite by Random House, 2014) she believes that “every beer is worth trying at least once.” As Canada’s only Certified Master Cicerone (beer sommelier), Amato is dedicated to beer advocacy and education, and to helping you enjoy beer even more than you do already.
Calgary Herald: June 7, 2014; page F14
Calgary Herald: June 7, 2014; page F14