PHOTO: Stefan Wettainen/Ten Speed Press; Lussebullar from Darra Goldstein's Fire + Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking.
Laura Brehaut, National Post
Originally published on November 30, 2015; National Post
Originally published on November 30, 2015; National Post
Danes call it hygge (pronounced hoo-ga), Norwegians koselig. There is no direct English translation, but the general vibe is cheerful, cosy and convivial. Some say it’s the Scandinavian secret to contentment; after all, Denmark is among the world’s happiest countries. “It’s all about comfort but it’s not like the kind of comfort where you curl up by yourself under your duvet and watch TV in bed,” Darra Goldstein, American professor and author of Fire + Ice: Classic Nordic Cooking (Ten Speed Press, 2015), tells me with a laugh. “It’s something that is shared among people, so it has to do with communion and comradery.”
Windsor Star: December 9, 2015; page C1 / Front
Regina Leader-Post: December 12, 2015; page D4