PHOTOS: Lisa Linder/Quadrille; The 100 recipes Roux shares in The Essence of French Cooking are modern interpretations of classic French dishes.
Laura Brehaut, National Post
Originally published on October 19, 2015; National Post
Originally published on October 19, 2015; National Post
There are home cooks who feel a rush when presented with a challenge. Take a chartreuse for example, a hallmark of French cuisine requiring artistry, patience and time. It’s a complicated dish, one that layers meat and fall vegetables – think cabbages, carrots and turnips – or solely vegetables, which are pressed into a mould and roasted. When I came across this particular recipe in renowned chef Michel Roux’s latest book, The Essence of French Cooking (Quadrille, 2015), I thought, “Not a chance.” But all it took was a conversation with Roux to change my mind.
Calgary Herald: October 24, 2015; page G16
Edmonton Journal: October 21, 2015; page C6
Edmonton Journal: October 21, 2015; page C6