PHOTO: Peter Frank Edwards/Artisan Books; Cracklin' Cornbread from Heritage by Sean Brock.
Laura Brehaut/Postmedia News
Originally published on January 13, 2015; National Post
Originally published on January 13, 2015; National Post
Southern cooks are known for their comfort food. Fried chicken, cornbread, and biscuits and gravy all likely come to mind when you think of the cuisine of the Southern United States. For James Beard Award-winning chef Sean Brock of Husk and McCrady’s in Charleston, South Carolina and Husk Nashville, Southern food is about living off the land. “To celebrate a harvest is really what Southern food is to me, and that’s either eating the vegetables raw in the field, or cooking them for dinner or preserving them for the winter. It’s this respect for agriculture that I think the South has that makes it really special,” Brock says in an interview.
Leader-Post (Regina): January 24, 2015; page G4
The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon): January 24, 2015; page E7
The Windsor Star: January 21, 2015; page C4
Edmonton Journal: January 14, 2015; page C6