PHOTO: Gentl & Hyers; Turkey and Ricotta Meatballs from Small Victories by Julia Turshen (Chronicle Books, 2016).
Laura Brehaut, Postmedia News
Originally published on October 11, 2016; National Post
Originally published on October 11, 2016; National Post
For something truly delicious to happen, it’s all about the small things.
Learning how to turn something old into something completely new, making biscuit dough by hand to grasp “the feel,” planning ahead, and embracing patience as an ingredient – simple successes lead to better cooking.
Montreal Gazette: October 19, 2016; page C1 / Front
Ottawa Citizen: October 12, 2016; page C4
Windsor Star: October 12, 2016; page C1 / Front
Saskatoon StarPhoenix: October 12, 2016; page C1 / Front
The Province: October 16, 2016; page B4
Montreal Gazette: October 19, 2016; page C1 / Front
Ottawa Citizen: October 12, 2016; page C4
Windsor Star: October 12, 2016; page C1 / Front
Saskatoon StarPhoenix: October 12, 2016; page C1 / Front
The Province: October 16, 2016; page B4