PHOTO: David Loftus/Flatiron Books; Chili Paneer from Made in India by Meera Sodha.
Laura Brehaut, Postmedia News
Originally published on March 22, 2016; National Post
Originally published on March 22, 2016; National Post
The story of Meera Sodha’s cookbook, Made in India (Flatiron Books, 2015), has its origins in a curry house on Brick Lane, a.k.a. London’s Curry Mile. “I was with some of my university friends and they turned to me, the only Indian at the table, and asked, ‘What should we order?’ You know, the korma, the lamb, the rogan josh…,” she tells me in an interview. “And I said, ‘This isn’t the food I grew up with, and in fact, it’s nothing like what any Indians eat at all.’ It was a real moment for me; a realization that they thought this was real Indian food.”
Windsor Star: March 30, 2016; page C1 / Front
Kingston Whig-Standard: April 2, 2016; page C3
Daily Observer (Pembroke): April 2, 2016; page B12
Daily Observer (Pembroke): April 2, 2016; page B12
Orillia Packet & Times: April 5, 2016; page C1 / Front
London Free Press: April 6, 2016; page C3