PHOTO: Christopher Lewis; Pastry chef Fereshteh Keshavarz looks forward to enjoying halva during Ramadan.
Laura Brehaut/Postmedia News
Originally published on June 15, 2015; National Post
For the many Muslims in Canada who will be welcoming the month of Ramadan on Thursday, June 18, fasting and self-reflection during the holy month is of primary importance. But as Salima Jivraj, founder of North America’s largest halal food festival – Halal Food Festival Toronto – tells me, food also plays a vital role. Fasting takes place during daylight, which can be upwards of 16 hours when Ramadan falls over summer months, as it does this year. But when the fast is broken at sunset, meals are festive and often shared with friends and family.
Published in print:
Montreal Gazette: June 17, 2015; page B2
The Windsor Star: June 17, 2015; page C1 / Front
Calgary Herald: June 17, 2015; page E3
Edmonton Journal: June 17, 2015; page D6
Montreal Gazette: June 17, 2015; page B2
The Windsor Star: June 17, 2015; page C1 / Front
Calgary Herald: June 17, 2015; page E3
Edmonton Journal: June 17, 2015; page D6