PHOTO: Ken Goodman; Lip-Smacking Ribs from Diva Q's Barbecue by Danielle Bennett.
Laura Brehaut, Postmedia News
Originally published on June 15, 2016; National Post
Originally published on June 15, 2016; National Post
Barbecues bring people together. What better way to celebrate Father’s Day than with casual backyard recipes fit for communal feasting?
Vancouver Sun: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C6
Calgary Herald: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Edmonton Journal: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Saskatoon StarPhoenix: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Regina Leader-Post: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Windsor Star: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Ottawa Citizen: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Montreal Gazette: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Vancouver Sun: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C6
Calgary Herald: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Edmonton Journal: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Saskatoon StarPhoenix: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Regina Leader-Post: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Windsor Star: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Ottawa Citizen: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Montreal Gazette: June 15, 2016; pages C1 / Front and C2
Daily Observer (Pembroke): June 18, 2016; page B10
Northumberland Today: June 22, 2016; page D4
London Free Press: June 29, 2016; page C1 / Front
Northumberland Today: June 22, 2016; page D4
London Free Press: June 29, 2016; page C1 / Front