PHOTO: Laura Brehaut; Big Mamma is a striking Silver Laced Wyandotte; each of her silver feathers is outlined in black.
Laura Brehaut, Postmedia News
Originally published on May 17, 2016; National Post
Originally published on May 17, 2016; National Post
Urban hen-keeping is romantic in a back-to-the-land kind of way. But it’s surprisingly practical, if you’re prepared to care for your brood. Chickens are a natural continuation of the kitchen garden. They make short work of kitchen scraps and garden pests, and enrich the soil. Perhaps most importantly, they make great pets with the added benefit of providing nutritious, freshly-laid, free-range eggs.
Montreal Gazette: May 18, 2016; page C1 / Front
Windsor Star: May 18, 2016; page C1 / Front
Regina Leader-Post: May 18, 2016; page C1 / Front
Calgary Herald: May 18, 2016; page B1 / Front
The Province (Vancouver): May 22, 2016; page B4
Windsor Star: May 18, 2016; page C1 / Front
Regina Leader-Post: May 18, 2016; page C1 / Front
Calgary Herald: May 18, 2016; page B1 / Front
The Province (Vancouver): May 22, 2016; page B4